
English follows Japanese.

制 定 日:2016年3月31日



本方針は、お客様が株式会社麗人以下、「当社」といいます)の管理・運営する 「東京麗人」(以下「本サイト」といいます)にて提供するオンライン予約サービス(以下「本サービス」といいます) のご利用にあたり、当社が取得したお客様の個人情報の取り扱い方針を定めるものです。



  1. お客様から提供される情報
  2. 本サービスの利用に関連して取得される情報
    1. お客様が希望されるサービスを提供する業者(以下「サービス提供業者」といいます)による役務の予約、その他の取引を申し込まれた場合の、お客様を識別できる情報と紐づいた状態での取引履歴に関する情報
    2. 当社が実施したアンケート調査への回答内容、記載内容、およびその他お客様を識別できる情報と紐づいた状態での、アンケート調査の結果に より得られた情報
  3. 本件サイトにアクセスしたことを契機として機械的に取得される情報
    1. IPアドレス、携帯端末の機体識別に関する情報
    2. 本サイトにアクセスしたことを契機として取得された、お使いのブラウザの種類・バージョン、オペレーティングシステム、プラットフォームなどのほか、お客様の閲覧されたページ(URL)、閲覧した日時などに関する情報
    3. 上記のほか、クッキー(cookie)やウェブビーコン(Web Beacon)等の技術を使用して取得したアクセス情報など、お客様が当社の運営するサービスを利用されるごとに、自動的に取得・保管される情報
  4. サービス提供業者その他の第三者から取得する情報
    1. 当社は、サービス提供業者その他の第三者からお客様の個人情報及び非個人情報(以下「個人情報等」といいます)を定期的に入手し、当社が保有するお客様情報に追加することがあります。
    2. 当社がサービス提供業者その他の第三者から入手する個人情報等の例としては、お客様の予約履歴、取引履歴、プロフィール情報が挙げられます。
    3. お客様は、サービス提供業者が当社に対して上記(1)の個人情報等を提供し当社がこれを第2項に定める利用目的に利用することに同意するものとします。
  5. クッキー等
    1. クッキーとは、ウェブサイトの提供者がウェブブラウザを通してお客様のコンピュータに一時的にデータを記録し後で取り出すことができる仕組み のことをいいます。ウェブビーコンとは、透明な画像ファイルやスクリプト等を使用してお客様のアクセス状況を把握するもので、お客様の識別ウェブサイトの利用状況等の統計的情報を取得するために利用されています。
    2. 当社は、本サイトにおいてより効率的にサービス提供のため、クッキー及びウェブビーコンを使用することがあります。但しクッキー及びウェブビーコンには個人情報は一切含まれません。
    3. お客様は、クッキーの受け取りを拒否したり、クッキーを受け取ったとき警告を表示させたりできます。但し、その場合は本サイト内の一部の機能をご利用できない可能性がありますのでご注意ください。



  1. 本サービスの利用に伴う予約確認、支払処理その他各種連絡、当社及びサービス提供業者のサービスに関するお知らせの配信
  2. お客様の申込みに基づく、サービス提供業者、及び広告掲載企業・団体等(以下「広告主」といいます)に対するお客様及び予約申込に係る情報の提供情報
  3. 本サービスの運用に伴う一時的なバックアップデータの保管
  4. 各種イベント、アンケート、キャンペーン等への応募受付及び当選者への連絡、プレゼントの発送
  5. 別途ご同意いただいたお客様への取材、アンケート要請のご連絡
  6. 本サービスに関するご意見、ご要望、お問い合わせについて、確認、回答又はその他の対応
  7. お客様規約で禁じている、商用・転用目的での予約行為、権利譲渡、多重予約、虚偽情報登録などの調査と、それに基づく当該予約内容の詳細確認
  8. 上記(1)から(7)に付随して当社の本サービスの提供にあたって必要な利用
  9. サービス提供業者に対する個人情報の提供








  1. 当社は、お客様から取得させていただいた個人情報のうち、第1項第(1)号、第(2)号及び第(4)号に記載するものを、第2項に定める利用目的を達成するため、その必要な範囲内において、サービス提供業者に対し、インターネットその他各種通信手段による配信により提供します。ただし、お客様ご本人より、当該ご本人を識別できる個人情報のサービス提供者への提供停止を求められた場合には、それ以後に制作、送付される資料その他のデータから当該ご本人を識別できる個人情報を削除し、第三者への提供を停止いたします。
    1. このように提供されたお客様の個人情報は、サービス提供業者において管理されることとなります。
    2. サービス提供業者は、お客様との取引後のお客様向けダイレクトメールなどによる情報提供、お客様による購買の分析をして、当該サービス提供業者の事業運営のために、お客様の個人情報を利用します。
  2. 当社は、以下の場合には、お客様の個人情報を、サービス提供業者以外の第三者に提供することがあります。
    1. 法令に基づく場合
    2. お客様本人の同意がある場合
    3. お客様の生命、身体または財産の保護のために緊急に必要があると当社が判断した場合
    4. 公衆衛生の向上または児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
    5. 裁判所、検察庁、警察、弁護士会、消費者センターまたはこれに準じた権限を有する機関から開示請求があった場合
  3. 第4項に規定する個人情報の取扱いの委託、又は第5項に規定する個人情報の共同利用に該当する場合には、本項に規定する個人情報の第三者への提供には該当しません。



【 連絡先 】株式会社麗人オフィス







Date of Implementation: Mar 31, 2016

Privacy Policy


This Policy sets forth our policy for handling customers’ personal information acquired by us in connection with our customers’ use of our online reservation service (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”) provided at “Tokyo Liren” (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) which is administered and operated by Liren Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “we” or the “Company”).We will comply with the laws and regulations concerning personal information and handle personal information in an appropriate manner. Act”).

1. Acquisition of Personal Information

Acquisition of Personal Information

  1. Information to be provided by a customer:
    Any and all information provided by a customer to the Company, such as his/her name, address, telephone number (including mobile phone and facsimile numbers), email address, mobile email address,and other contact information, birth date, sex and nationality.
  2. Information to be acquired in relation to the use of the Service:
    1. Information relating to a transaction history associated with customer-identifiable information where the customer makes a reservation for a service, or applies for any other transaction, with a provider which provides the service requested by the customer (hereinafter referred to as a “Service Provider”); and
    2. Customers’ responses to, and statements in, questionnaires conducted by the Company, and other information obtained through questionnaires where such information is associated with customer-identifiable information.
  3. Information to be acquired mechanically through access to the Site:
    1. Information concerning IP address and mobile equipment identifier;
    2. Type and version of a browser, operating system, platform, etc., which customer uses, as such information is acquired through customer’s access to the Site; information concerning URLs of web pages browsed by customer; date and time of such browsing; and
    3. In addition to the above, information automatically acquired or stored every time a customer uses the service operated by the Company, such as access information acquired by using technologies such as cookies and web beacons.
  4. Information acquired by Service Providers or other third parties:
    1. The Company may, on a regular basis, obtain customers’ personal information and non-personal information (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information, etc.”) from Service Providers and other third parties and add such information to the customer information retained by the Company.
    2. By way of illustration, Personal Information, etc., which the Company obtains from Service Providers or other third parties includes customers’ reservation history, transaction history, and profile information.
    3. The customer consents that Service Providers may provide to the Company the Personal Information, etc., set forth in (1). above and that the Company may use the same for the purposes of use set forth in Section 2.
  5. Cookies, etc.
    1. A cookie is a device that allows a website operator to temporarily place data in your computer through a web browser and to retrieve the same at a later time. A web beacon keeps track of your access activities by using a transparent image file, script, etc., and it is used in order to acquire statistical information, such as your use of specific websites.
    2. The Company may use a cookie or web beacon for the purpose of efficient service provision on the Site. However, no personal information will be contained in cookies or web beacons.
    3. The customer may refuse to receive a cookie or may opt to have a warning displayed when a cookie is received. Please note, however, that if the customer does so, the customer may not be able to use certain functions on the Site.

2. Purposes of Use of Personal Information

We will use customers’ personal information acquired by us to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use set forth below. If any personal information is to be used for any purpose other than those set forth below, we will obtain the customer’s prior consent.

  1. In connection with the use of the Service, to confirm reservations, process payments, give various types of notice, and send messages concerning the services of the Company and Service Providers;
  2. To provide to Service Providers and advertising companies, organizations, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “Advertisers”) information concerning customers and customer reservations based on customer requests;
  3. To store temporary backup data in conjunction with the operation of the Service;
  4. To accept applications for various events, questionnaires, campaigns, etc.; to contact winners; and to send presents;
  5. To contact customers, who have consented separately, for the purpose of requesting interviews, questionnaires, etc.;
  6. To acknowledge, respond to, or take other measures with regard to, customer comments, requests, or inquiries in relation to the Service;
  7. To conduct investigations on any action prohibited in the Terms of Use for customers, such as any reservation activity for commercial or resale purposes, transfer of rights, multiple reservations, and registration of false information; and to check details of such reservations;
  8. To use personal information as necessary in order to provide the Service in relation to (1). through (7). above; and
  9. To provide personal information to Service Providers.

3. Security Management of Personal Information

We will protect personal information acquired from customers in order to prevent leakage, falsification, loss, damage, unauthorized access, etc., and will take physical, technological and organizational security management measures as it becomes necessary and appropriate in order to keep such information accurate and current.

4. Delegation of Handling of Personal Information

We may retain an outside contractor to handle personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use set forth in Section 2. If we are to delegate all or part of the handling of personal information, we will select a contractor which maintains an adequate level of protection, and upon executing a non-disclosure agreement, we will supervise such contractor as necessary and appropriately in order to ensure the secure management of personal information. Furthermore, we may also delegate the handling of personal information when we conduct business activities jointly with a third party in relation to consulting, privacy mark application, and ISMS application.

5. Sharing of Personal Information

In order to achieve the purposes of use set forth in Section 2, we will share with Service Providers the information specified in Section 1, Items (1), (2) and (4), out of all the customers’ personal information. The person specified in Section 9 shall be responsible for the management of such personal information.

6. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

  1. Out of all the customers’ personal information, we will provide the information specified in Section 1, Items (1), (2) and (4) to Service Providers by transmitting such information through the Internet or various other communication means to the extent necessary in order to achieve the purposes of use set forth in Section 2; provided that, if the relevant customer requests that provision of such personally-identifiable information to any Service Provider be discontinued, then such personally-identifiable information shall be deleted from any material or other data to be prepared and sent thereafter, and we will discontinue the provision to third parties.
    1. Customers’ personal information so provided will be managed by the relevant Service Provider.
    2. The Service Provider will use customers’ personal information for the purpose of providing information to customers through direct mail, etc., after transactions with them, analyzing customers’ purchases, and operating the Service Provider’s business.
  2. In any of the following cases, we may provide customers’ personal information to a third party other than Service Providers:
    1. When required under laws and regulations;
    2. When consented to by the customer himself/herself;
    3. When determined by the Company that there is urgent necessity in order to protect customers’ lives, bodies or property;
    4. When there is a particular necessity in order to improve public hygiene or promote sound growth of children where it is difficult to obtain the relevant person’s consent; or
    5. When the disclosure is requested by a court, public prosecutors’ office, police, bar association, consumer center, or any institution with authority comparable to that of the foregoing.
  3. Neither the delegation of the handling of personal information under Section 4 nor the sharing of personal information under Section 5 constitutes the provision of personal information to third parties under this Section.

7. Disclosure, Amendment, etc., of Personal Information

We will promptly respond when the relevant person requests disclosure, modification, addition, deletion, suspension of use, removal, or suspension of provision to third parties with regard to his/her own personal information. However, if we are unable to confirm the person’s identity or if our business could be disrupted, then we may not be able to accommodate such a request for disclosure, etc. Please direct any request, inquiry, etc., concerning our handling of personal information to the following:

Contact Information:Office of Liren Inc.

8. Third Party Websites

If the Site contains any link to the websites of Service Providers, suppliers, Advertisers, sponsors, licensors or other third parties, this Policy does not apply to the operation of any website so linked. We do not control such contents and links. Additionally, these sites and services may be modified from time to time and are subject to the privacy policy of each such third party. We recommend that you read the privacy policy posted on the site of any such third party carefully and confirm such third party’s procedures for acquisition, use and disclosure of your personal information.

9. Organization and Structure

The Company’s administrator responsible for personal information is Hiroshi Ohno and we will properly manage personal information and continue to make improvements.

10. Amendment to this Policy

Unless otherwise set forth in laws, regulations, etc., in the future, we may amend the contents of this Policy from time to time as necessary.
Unless otherwise specified by the Company, any amendment to this Policy shall become effective when such amendment is posted on the Site. Any customer who continues to use the Site after such posting shall be deemed to have consented to this Policy as amended.